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Topics - amr0103547461

hi all.
i anesthetized a case of low anterior resection of colon. the anesthetic technique was combined general/ epidural.
the induction was with propofol , atracurium, fentanyl and the maintenance was with isoflurane(0.6%) with lidocaine 2% / bupivacaine 0.5% in the epidural catheter.
The duration of the operation was 6 hours and the blood loss was 2000 cc and the fluid replacement was with 3500 crystalloid,1000 colloid(hystrael) and 500 blood.
after surgery by 2 hours,the temperature was 39.5   0c.
i gave the patient paracetamol iv infusion / 8 hours and the fever subsided after 36 hours to 37  0c.there was no evidence of infection? is it due to massive tissue destruction? and can it increase temperature up to 39.5 0c?
thank you for your care.
hi all.
i anesthetized a case of low anterior resection of colon. the anethetic technique was combined general/ epidural.
the induction was with propofol , atracurium, fentanyl and the maintenance was with isoflurane(0.6%) with lidocaine 2% / bupivacaine 0.5% in the epidural catheter.
the blood loss was 2000 cc and the fluid replacement was with 3500 crystalloid,1000 colloid(hystrael) and 500 blood.
after surgery by 2 hours,the temperature was 39.5   0c.
i gave hime paracetamol iv infusion / 8 hours and subsided after 36 hours to 37  0c.there was no evidence of infection? is it due to massive tissue destruction? and can it increase temperature up to 39.5 0c?
thank you for your care.