HELP!How do u measure if an anesthesic is working for a patient:wat endpoints??

Started by Elena1313, February 25, 2010, 02:52:45 AM

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Im not a anesthesiologist but Im doing a presentation on anesthesia and need some help determining how an anesthesiologist determines if a anesthetic is working - in particular an inhaled anesthetics for general anesthesia. (sevo and desflurane to be specific). Is it based on patient movement response to a stimulus, HR, Oxygen, MAC concentrations only ect?? I cant seem to find any info ( some sources say what vitals to monitor but not anything about the patient's response to anesthesia).  I ask this b.c Im doing a project on if Redheads require additional anesthesia and if so, how to monitor them/determine if they have reached the correct endpoint/if the anesthesia is working.  If anyone know this answer please email me at  Also if you have any references regarding how to determine an anesthesia effectiveness/endpoint please include


the matter concern about what technique of anaesthesia u are planning to.
I think that the inalation anesthesia alone is not sufficient to ensure an adequate deep and so is better to have a mixed strategy (gas and ev agents).
For the evaluation of the deepness the clinical methods are unuseful.
Bispectral Index (BIS) is a simple thecnology taht we use often in day surgery anestehsia procedures.
If u are eager of more info u can contact me here.
Many regards