Your Profile

Started by gasman, February 23, 2006, 03:16:14 AM

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Once you have registered and logged in, please take a moment to configure your personal profile.

Click on the Profile button in the top menu and use the options to personalise.

I suggest you enter your real name in the Account-Related Settings. This is the name that is displayed on the forum for other members to see. Of course, if you wish to remain anonymous, you can choose any nickname you wish to display.

Also in Account-Related Settings, I suggest you click on the "Hide Email Address from Public" to protect your privacy.

You can also choose an avatar to display, a small picture that is displayed with your username. This is under the Forum Profile Information option. You can choose one of the avatars built into the forum, or upload your own. Maximum size is 100x100 pixels.

Just under the avatar option, you can enter your location. I suggest you enter your city and country. This information is also displayed with your posts, and helps other members know where you practice. Remember this is an international forum, so keep the location broad rather than a specific hospital or suburb.

As always, please refer to the HELP icon for more details.

Rob Lang