T pieces Adult vs Paediatric vs Improvization

Started by jafo1964, June 29, 2007, 11:38:10 AM

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Is there any stadardization regarding the diameter of Adult and Paediatric T pieces at their FGF, patient and machine end.
Is there any reference that details about its ID and the length of the expiratory limb.

I find that different makes seem to have different connector sizes and the Diameter of the FGF tube and length of expiratory limb is also inconsistent.
I also read an article that utilizes a 20 ml syringe with plunger removed and a hole in the middle of it into which the O2 supply is attached. One end of the syringe attaches to the ETT and the other end is open to atmosphere to act as expiratory port.
What FGF will it supply at say  flow of 5 or 1o lpm.
Want it increase resistance to expiration thus increasing WOB

SHO's are arbitrarily using 10 and 5 ml syringes to prepare such T pieces and I wonder about their effectivity

Is there as easy equipment to actually measure the FiO2 being delivered with such contraptions

Thanks for the info


Paediatrics is a branch of medical care that deals with the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. But why is that you are comparing them?

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