Going under with gas.

Started by tise_uk, May 09, 2007, 02:18:19 PM

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Why do I see some patients in the UK going under with gas in the theatre and most others be given the more pleasant method of iv.?
I suffer from having a heart attack a couple of years ago how would I be put under,? I used to hate having the black rubber mask put near me at the dentists in the 1950's/60's, is the procedure still the same etc?


no, not at all.

so much advanced now

you can be taken under TIVA(Total Intra Venous Anesthesia)


Your reply provokes a question from someone who is not an anaesthetist, and, indeed, who has no medical qualifications at all. (Apologies in advance if the question merely elicits a collective groan: 'Not another of the so-and-sos!')

Are you professionals generally aware that there exists a small group of people (well, I think it's a small group) who were anaesthetised in childhood, either in hospital or at the dentists, and who have experienced curious long-term psychological consequences? These usually seem to have been triggered by 'having gas', i.e. undergoing an old-fashioned mask induction.  Discussions in the relevant Web groups, of which there are several, show that this experience, either unpleasant or pleasant, can lead to a fascination with anaesthesia, and with fantasizing about it. Then, with puberty, the fantasies tend to acquire a strongly erotic component.

So, if those of us to whom this has happened were to encounter any of you professionally (and if we dared to ask for it!), instead of an IV induction, we'd prefer the mask – and if it were a black rubber mask, so much the better. Additionally, if we happened to find you sexually attractive, our joy would be complete – at least for as long as we remained conscious.

To be serious, are anaesthetists aware of this phenomenon? If so, have they any ideas about how common it is, or what the precise mechanism is which causes it? Speaking as one who has this fetish (as I suppose we must call it) I'm curious to know.

Krishnendu Chaudhuri

Walter, I think you are looking for a looking for a site where content is much less scientific and much more erotic. I suggest you spend time there, or on a shrink's couch to sort out your fetishes.


Quote from: Krishnendu Chaudhuri on May 30, 2007, 04:28:45 AM
Walter, I think you are looking for a looking for a site where content is much less scientific
I know perfectly well that such sites exist, and where to look for them.

By posting a message here, I was doing precisely what I said I was doing: seeking information from professionals in the field.

If you haven't got any information, or if you don't want to divulge it, that's fine, but it seems inappropriate to respond to an honest question with a snub.

Krishnendu Chaudhuri

I am not snubbing you at all, and I apologise if I hurt your sentiments. However I would still like to reiterate that anaesthesia professionals give anaesthesia. They dont give advice on sexual fantasies. That is the province of psychiatrists and psychologists. I doubt that anaesthetists are competent to answer your queries.

I hope that was put better. Ciao.


Ive had this discussion so many times with non Anaesthetists and my Dentist.I always found that being given the choice of Iv or Inhalation(Gas) I myself always chose to have the gas option.Yes I myself think that it is down to personal experience under Gas.Myself I always found this option much more pleasant than having to be injected(IV).There are many people like myself who have an extreme fear of Iv(Needles).I realise that many people have a fear of Gas as well.Surely it should be a choice made by the patient and the anaesthetist.Having had the black rubber mask several times as a child and teenager,I always found this to be the most suitable method of anaesthesia for myself.Isnt it about time Guys(Anaethetists) the patient was asked what there preference is.I would run a mile at the thought of Iv,whereas if you used the gas with the mask I would be the model(Calm,Relaxed) patient.Im 37yrs old,Male and still hate Iv.


Excuse my spelling of anaesthetists,last quote,noticed the error but had posted,typing error.


I come to this discussion somewhat late in the day (having only just joined the forum) but Walter has hit the nail on the head, with his posts about the possible long-term effects of childhood mask-induced anaesthetisation. A very perceptive assessment of a very real situation for some of us, if I may say so (many of us, I suspect). I have long tried to understand it and failed, and I have yet to see a medical definition or professional explanation.  Perhaps it is indeed one for the psychologists, rather than the anaesthetists? So my advice is to make the most of it and enjoy it whilst you can – whatever turns you on. (The kit is readily available on e-bay, after all .....!)