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Messages - kalpesh shah

I think about better form of i.v. line like CENTRAL VENOUSE LINE in such situation for better and quick effect with less doses. Even with peripheral i.v. line we need to flush the drug with large amount of saline(may be 20 cc). I.M. has least control on the situation.
is any one uses TOF WATCH machine for nerve location?
I wants to know the use of that machine in" micro culombe" not in popular MA formate.
share the expirience.
Hi, I want's to know the expirience with midazolam nasal spray.
is inj. nalbuphine recommended intrathecally and epidurally?. pharma company has started giving articals on it.
How do we come to know whether perticular" medicine " and " route of administration is approved by regulatory body(FDA!!!!). ??? ??? ???