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Regional Anesthesia / Ultrasound phantom targets
Last post by freeze - January 18, 2015, 07:37:58 PM
General Discussion / Help to find an article
Last post by gaspasser1991 - January 08, 2015, 02:25:26 AM
I need help finding an article I first read in a throwaway Anesthesia journal a year or two ago. The take away message was Anesthesia had one of the earliest retirement ages of all the medical professions due to suicide, drug addiction, and burn out. I would appreciate any help in finding this article again. Thanks to all.
General Discussion / For the very best CRNA continu...
Last post by medcityanesthesiaseminars - December 10, 2014, 02:21:39 AM
check out Based out of Rochester, MN, home of Mayo Clinic. CRNA owned and operated. All CRNA speakers!!
General Discussion / Re: sevoflurane abuse
Last post by gasman - November 29, 2014, 09:46:02 AM
You will go unconscious, perhaps fall to the ground and get a head injury your blood pressure will drop to dangerous levels, and your breathing may become obstructed. You could die. Don't do it.
Regional Anesthesia / levobupivacaine availability i...
Last post by Tania Singh - October 05, 2014, 01:42:10 PM
is levobupivacaine available in USA?
or has it been discontinued?
what have been the reasons for discontinuation?
somebody please reply at the earliest.
General Discussion / sevoflurane abuse
Last post by Lastpuff - September 23, 2014, 09:57:53 PM
There a chap who has acquired a 250ml bottle of sevoflurane. he plans to put about 10ml on an handkerchief and inhale it. I tried to dissuade him however he refuses to listen. i tried to find ( on the internet ) what is a safe amount and wont kill him, however the information is very scanty, and whatever is available is a) too technical and b) talks about how it is administered with O2 and in operation theater conditions.
It would help me immensely if someone ( a healthcare professional) could tell , is 10ml put on a cloth and inhaled a safe amount ?
any other information would also be appreciated.
General Discussion / Re: Replacement for Baxter-Bar...
Last post by Raul123 - September 08, 2014, 09:23:33 AM
Hi! I would like to share this great online resource for anyone seeking a syringe-pump:
Ask an Expert - Case Studies / Re: DEXETOMIDATE
Last post by anaesami - August 30, 2014, 03:40:42 PM
excellent drug for intraop sedation. i do not follow the mcg/kg regime suggested in the literature. just put 50mcg in 500ml of normal saline and give at the rate of 15 drops/min. after about 10 minutes patient starts snoring then slow it down to 10 drops.min and maintain at the same rate till the end of surgery. recovery is prompt
87 yr female pt for # femur...k/c/o NMO taken treatment and at presan5 symptom free....k/c/o br asthama on treatment and controled, HT +IHD but controled. .ECG lat lead ST-T changes,  2D echo almost ronchi........
What should be the plan???