Can you help me?

Started by jadona2006, October 01, 2008, 11:38:18 PM

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I was born with spastic cerebral  palsy and in 1990 I contracted Transverse Mellitus.  I was confined to a  wheelchair from 1990 -1997.  I worked very hard to do what the doctors  said I would never do, that is walk, or dress myself or anything.  I am  now walking and taking care of my family again.  I am 64 years old and I  was sent home with 14 different drugs that I soon stopped taking because I  found out I really didn,to need them.  I did fine until Feb 2008 when I  started having postmenopausal bleeding.  I also have been told I have  fibroids which are supposed to decrease in size after menopause.  I have  a 2 CM  thick endometrial lining, and a small fibroid which the GYN doctor found after doing a transvaginal

Can,t too much  estrogen cause the lining to thicken?  The GYN doc put me on  progesterone 20mg once a day which seems to have helped.  Now she wants  to do a biopsy and a possible Hysteroscopy DOC.  I have no other  symptoms except frequent urination and feeling full. The anesthetists said that anesthesia with transverse Myelitis can be tricky. 

I fought so hard to  get back my life that I don,t trust doctors as far as I can seem them.  I  have learned from personal experience that doctors are not correct all the  time.  Isn,t there other tests I can do like blood tests, C-125 or and  MRI without the risk of surgery.  I have thoracic spinal damage which can  effect my breathing while under anesthesia.

I know that this chemical  progesterone has helped, but I would really like to use a natural  progesterone, it is much ˆmore safe for the body.  Do you think it will  help?  I know very little about Natural Progesterone but anything natural has to be better for the body. 

Thanks for any information you can give me.  There seems to  be a lot of information out there for those who are still in their  reproductive years, but not much for us women who are 60 plus.  Do you  have any?  Also do you know of someone who can guide me through the steps to take and what to expect while using Natural progesterone?  Will is cause me to bleed or will it stop the bleeding?  I am postmenopausal and just can't understand -why doctors can't treat me as a whole person.  They don't seem to understand the risk of surgery for someone who has had transverse myelitis and the effects that anesthesia can have.  Can you be of help and do you have any information on someone with similiar problems and natural progesterone?  Please offer whatever help you can and whatever information you can offer for women in my age group and what options there are for us who face danger with anesthesia due to transverse myelitis. Can  natural progesterone accomplish the same a a surgical D&C?  If I do need the surgical proceedure can acuppucture be used instead of anesthesia due to the danger of anesthesia in my case? Is there an aesthesia that will work for me without causing breathing problems? Thank you.


Dearest Jadona,
My reply is in responce to your query, because it is a week and no one has replied. I do not blame members on this site, as majority of  members are Anaestehsiologists. It will be improper for us to reply in a scientific manner.
Your best bargain to see your Gyneacologist.
As far as the last line of Anaesthesia is concerned, the anaesthesilogist in charge at the hospital will be able to manage you safely, enough methods are there to suit your needs.
Best wishes to you from all readers of the site, to a fighter in life.