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Messages - anaesami

nothing very deviant in using dopamine drip. the major alteration produced by spinal is vasodilation and vasoconstrictor is the obvious and ideal choice to minimise the alteration. in fact i used it for a caesarean case suffering from phaechromocytoma with very gratifying results. giving ephedrine is ok but its action is shortlived and so repeated doses may be necessary. giving fluids is an inferior way of treating a vasodilated circulation which is a leaky one. giving colloids makes a little more sense.
intraop anaphylactic reaction the only way is i.v. adrenaline watching the ECG and BP
giving a spinal in the holding room is safe provided pt is intensely monitored ;
i am told it is a routine practice in all western countries. because we have too
too many patients, generally we give it on the operation table so that loss of time
to transport is avoided.